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Things I know about God

Throughout National Foster Care Month, we’ll be sharing a new series–”Blessings Found in Fostering.” We’ve asked Encourage families and staff to tell us what they’re learning and the God moments they’ve seen along the way. Enjoy this story from foster mom Sheila Wagler-Mills as she helps her foster children manage well during the health crisis.

With her foster children being home due to coronavirus, Encourage foster mom Sheila gave a journal to each of them with questions to spur their writing. One day Sheila left instructions to write “Five Things I Know About God.” Her preteen foster daughter responded to the task with seven noteworthy answers.

1. He will give up anything for us. 2. I know that He made the world. 3. We need God in our hearts to live. 4. He made every single one of us for a reason. 5. He gave up everything for us. 6. He will not stop fighting for us. 7. He will always turn something negative into a positive.

These seven statements are encouraging and inspiring, and serve as a couple reminders. One, the children we serve are hungry for hope and purpose. Two, children can be great expositors of truth. Three, we are watched by those we serve. What we do is indeed essential as we help kids and teens experience their worth in Christ.

Coronavirus has changed life and routine for Encourage kids and families. School is different. Visitation with biological family members is different. We are so grateful for foster parents who are helping kids feel safe and secure right now. Thank you for being there for them in all the daily ways that may seem mundane and in all the creative ways too. We continue to pray for you.

If you have a story or blessing to share, please contact Heather Huebner, Recruitment and Engagement Specialist at or 330.462.1118.


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