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See the possibility

Christian Children’s Home of Ohio (CCHO), the parent organization of Encourage is celebrating 50 years of ministry this year! Throughout 2019, we will be sharing 50 Stories for 50 Years of Ministry to demonstrate the transformational work God has done through our family of ministries (CCHO, Encourage Foster Care and Encompass Christian Counseling).

Story #11 in our series is courtesy of Emily Engman, LSW, foster care assessor and trainer here at Encourage. Emily shares from her heart about foster care and child welfare. She sees the hard times but also the good in the kids and families she serves. She also has a vision for all that is possible when we consider the hope of Jesus and respond in faith.

The hope in Jesus is that there is restoration for each and every one of us. For the parent who hurts their child. For the foster parent that wants to quit. For the child whose behaviors makes them seem most unlovable. There is nothing that brings me greater joy than to help a foster and adoptive family through the struggle of foster care and see them come out on the other side.

Her words are timely as we recognize National Foster Care Month this May. During this month, she gives a special reminder that “each and every foster parent, biological family and foster child has value and meaning beyond ourselves.”

You can find our 50th anniversary story series at You’ll have the opportunity to share your own story as well.

We will also be hosting our 50th Anniversary Celebration Weekend on June 8 & 9. We hope you can join us!


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