Throughout National Foster Care Month, we’re sharing “Blessings Found in Fostering.” We’ve asked Encourage families and staff to tell us what they’re learning and the God moments they’ve seen along the way. Today’s story of blessing comes from Whitney Beougher, LSW, Foster Care Assessor and Trainer. Whitney welcomes and trains our newest foster parents and gets to know their heart for children in need.
I have recently had two women in our Encourage Foster Parent Prep Courses that were once in the foster system and adopted into supportive homes. They offered such great insight and questions during the training classes. Both women shared their experiences and it really helped the other parents understand the need and perspective of youth in foster care.
They have both created successful lives and have biological children. They both expressed the heart to bring foster children into their families to help them heal and give back. These women, soon-to-be foster moms, are excited to provide a stable home for children, even if the foster children are able to be reunified with their families.
To learn more about foster parent prep courses, please contact Heather Huebner, Recruitment and Engagement Specialist at huebnerh@ccho.org or 330.462.1118.