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Yes, You Can Foster Too

We rent our home.

I don't live in Wayne County.

I am divorced.

We have full-time jobs.

I am single.

We home school our children.

We have two dogs.

We have a lot of questions.

We are retired.

I am scared to say yes.

We have four bio children.

Our kids go to daycare.

Many questions come up when you consider becoming a foster parent. We understand that. We realize that the decision to foster is big. Our Encourage team is here to walk beside you through this process and help you feel empowered. Yes, you can foster too.

We invite you to learn more about foster care with Encourage from our staff and seasoned foster parents. You’ll find out their fears and their faith in opening up their hearts and homes to youth in need of safety and security. Please contact Heather Huebner, Director of Operations & Recruitment at 330.462.1118 or to ask questions and receive support as you process this decision.

Virtual Foster Parent Info Sessions


We are looking for imperfect parents. Because being a foster parent isn’t about having a perfect home. It’s about having a welcoming home. Being a foster parent isn’t about having a perfect heart either. It’s about having a willing-to-learn heart.

The need is great for parents who believe in imperfect progress and have empathy for brokenness. Especially to teens, sibling groups and children with medical needs.

If imperfect is where you are, please reach out to Heather Huebner, Director of Operations & Recruitment, at 330.462.1118 or

Encourage Foster Care, a ministry of Christian Children’s Home of Ohio, has been helping foster parents and youth be successful in the purpose to which God is calling them since 1989.

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