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Why Choose Encourage?

Encourage recruits, trains and licenses foster families. Our mission is to connect foster and foster-to-adopt families with strong support systems that will equip them with the physical, emotional and logistical help they need when opening their hearts and homes. We are intentional with the message of providing encouragement so that every foster parent and youth is successful in the purpose to which God is calling them.

Encourage Foster Care provides trauma-informed training and supportive services to foster families. We specialize in treatment foster care and prioritize sibling groups, older children, teens and children with medical needs. Our heart is for these youth to experience safety and connection.

Want to help but don’t think you’re ready to be a full-time foster or foster-to-adopt parent? Great news: There are several ways you can still get involved!

Do I have to be married? How long does the home study process take? Don’t foster children have lots of problems? Find the answers to your questions!

Encouragement from our Blog

A positive relationship between foster parents and biological parents has many benefits for all who are involved in the case.

Fostering & Biological Families


Some of our wonderful foster parents share their "why" and explain their hearts to foster.

Why We Foster


It’s an honor to share that CCHO and our family of ministries has been recognized as a Best Christian Workplace for the eighth year in a row

Best Christian Workplace Certified 2024


Learn More About Becoming a Foster Parent!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be married? How long does the home study process take? Don’t foster children have lots of problems? There are a lot of questions that need to be answered before deciding to be a foster parent. Don't worry. We have the answers.

Become a Foster Parent

Imperfect parents needed! Being a foster parent isn't about having a perfect home. It's about having a welcoming home. Being a foster parent isn't about having a perfect heart. It's about having a heart that's willing to learn. We will walk through the step-by-step process to become a licensed foster or adoptive parent with Encourage!

The Need for Foster Parents

Every month, our agency receives dozens of requests for foster homes for youth and siblings from the counties we serve. We frequently turn away up to 80 children every month due to the lack of suitable foster homes. Simply put, we need more foster homes.


Although we get referrals for all ages, our greatest NEED is for sibling groups, school-aged children, teens and kids with medical needs.

Events & Trainings

The Encourage staff is focused on connecting with and supporting our incredible families with trainings and special events! Whether you are looking for information about becoming a foster parent or are a current foster family looking for training, we have something for you!

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