Why Choose Encourage?
Encourage Foster Care is a small, private, faith-based foster care agency. Our services and support extend throughout 12+ counties in Northeast & Central Ohio.
Encourage recruits, trains and licenses foster families. Our mission is to connect and retain families who have the heart to foster by providing them with trauma-based training, licensing, resources, and the utmost support. Through faith, hope and prayers, together we can make lasting impacts in the lives of children from hard places.
Want to help but don’t think you’re ready to be a full-time foster or foster-to-adopt parent? Great news: There are several ways you can still get involved!
Do I have to be married? How long does the home study process take? Don’t foster children have lots of problems? Find the answers to your questions!
Encouragement from our Blog
Learn More About Becoming a Foster Parent!

Become a Foster Parent
Imperfect parents needed! Being a foster parent isn't about having a perfect home. It's about having a welcoming home. Being a foster parent isn't about having a perfect heart. It's about having a heart that's willing to learn. We will walk through the step-by-step process to become a licensed foster or adoptive parent with Encourage!